THE newly-appointed Queensland cross-border commissioner, Ian Leavers, has expressed gratitude to the Goondiwindi community for the overwhelming support since taking up his new role.
“It’s been a busy start, and the warmth and enthusiasm I’ve received from residents and businesses alike has been appreciated,” Mr Leavers said.
“Goondiwindi is a vibrant hub for the broader region and is clearly an extremely proud community.”
The commissioner acknowledged the stories and challenges shared by many about the unique realities of living in a border community.
“I thank everyone who has taken the time to reach out, whether residents or businesses from both sides of the border. Your perspectives are invaluable and will help guide our way forward,” he said.
“I have also had the opportunity to meet with business leaders and various government departments in Queensland and New South Wales who have provided great insights into efficiencies that could be achieved by respective governments working together into the future.
“This is a three-year role, and much is to be achieved. I am, however, optimistic my advocacy can bring about improvements in service delivery and resource management in border regions,” he said.

Queensland cross-border commissioner, Ian Leavers, with ambulance officers at Goondiwindi.
Mr Leavers also praised the community’s commitment to maintaining a welcoming and safe environment.
“Visitors and locals consistently comment on the tidy streets, the friendly atmosphere, and peaceful nature of Goondiwindi. I look forward to spending more time in this great community and continuing to work together,” he said.
Goondiwindi mayor Lawrence Springborg said Mr Leavers “has made a brilliant start” in his new role.
“I cannot think of a more highly qualified person for the role,” Cr Springborg said.
“However, he will require a bulldozer to push his way through decades of intractable, burdensome and inconsistent cross-border rules and regulations.
“He will also need unfettered support from the state government to implement his recommendations to deliver improvements to the daily lives of cross-border residents into the future.”